Probably about 80-90% of all people that enter this office will come in with a symptom like neck pain, back pain or headaches. These are all manifestations of a nervous system that is struggling to adapt due to misalignments of the spine which are called subluxations. These subluxations will happen for a variety of…

This is the time of the year that most people get into the habit of “New Year’s resolutions”. They usually resolve to make some sort of health changes. Whether it’s to exercise more or to eat less what we find is that these resolutions usually only last less than a month. The gyms are busiest…

As the temperature drops we tend to reach for that comfort food. This recipe is one that will be nice on the waistline, feed the soul, easy on the busy schedule and satisfy your taste buds so get ready for this wonderful slow cooker surprise! Don’t be fooled by the name, this Slow Cooker Beet Chili from…