High blood pressure affects approximately 25% of adults in North America. Of these, 75% have only mildly elevated blood pressure. Unfortunately, the first course of action is usually a blood pressure medication. These medications often have many side effects that can cause other issues such as; Cough. Diarrhea or constipation. Dizziness or lightheadedness. Erection…

Everyday we have new patients coming into our office who are presenting with a multitude of symptoms. Even though my favourite patients are the ones that come in for wellness care and are asymptomatic, I also love helping those that come in with a specific issue. I love seeing people that are at their wits…

We are officially in summer now. The weather is hot and the days are long. So many people are enjoying the outdoors and soaking up as much vitamin D as is humanly possible. The only problem that I see with any of this is that people are not hydrating more! Lots of people will…

There’s a new condition in town. It’s called “Text Neck”. Text neck is the result of a world that is getting more and more technologically advanced. More and more we are using our cell phones to access the internet, to send emails, to send text messages, to make everyday phone calls and to pass time…

This is the time of the year when we see many people come into the office with aches and pains related to “spring cleaning”. Whether it’s inside or outside cleaning many people are feeling the effects of their bodies getting overused or misused in an attempt to clean up from winter. The important thing to…

10 years ago I started Kramp Chiropractic with a vision. That vision was to be a change in the world. I wanted to see a happier and healthier community through the chiropractic care that I had spent years learning how to deliver. I wanted to see kids and seniors and athletes and everyone in…

It’s no secret that chiropractic does a great job at helping those with neck pain. In fact most people that enter our office present with neck pain. So, the greatest question should be why is neck pain such an epidemic? The easiest answer is that humans have created a life that is not conducive…

Probably about 80-90% of all people that enter this office will come in with a symptom like neck pain, back pain or headaches. These are all manifestations of a nervous system that is struggling to adapt due to misalignments of the spine which are called subluxations. These subluxations will happen for a variety of…

This is the time of the year that most people get into the habit of “New Year’s resolutions”. They usually resolve to make some sort of health changes. Whether it’s to exercise more or to eat less what we find is that these resolutions usually only last less than a month. The gyms are busiest…

The hustle, the bustle, the joy……… Isn’t Christmas supposed to be a time of family, happiness and celebration? Usually, however, what ends up happening is that Christmas becomes one of the most stressful holidays mentally and physically. We often will neglect ourselves and our bodies will suffer. The stress isn’t always physical; in fact most…