
The last few years has created a dynamic where many businesses have let employees continue a “work from home” environment. This new trend comes with pros and cons. While it is extremely convenient for those with a young family or those that are trying to avoid the commute it has created a work place ergonomic…

The chiropractic adjustment is undoubtedly the most overlooked and undervalued health care procedure that exists today. It’s not uncommon for patients to get “miraculous” results. These results are not miracles but simply allowing the body to work the way it was designed to work. It won’t happen with one visit and it won’t happen overnight….

With this spectacularly warm summer that we’ve been having one thing that has been apparent with patients is that they are, for the most part, dehydrated. There are many people that are suffering the effects of dehydration and aren’t aware of it. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of dehydration for you to…

This is generally the time of the year that we see an influx of patients come into our office or cancel their appointments because they’ve caught a cold or flu. What many people don’t realize is that, for the most part, this is a very avoidable illness that does not need to incapacitate you and…

One thing that has become evident over the last 2 years is that people are not drinking enough water. With increased mask wearing we are finding that we are losing more water through sweat as our body temperatures increase slightly from breathing in the warm air. This also may be tricking the thirst reflex as…

Did you know that as a chiropractor I am trained to adjust literally every joint in your body? Most people assume that chiropractors work is limited to the spine. While it’s true that the majority of the work that I do is spinal related (probably 90%)  I still see a good number of issues that…

     As the weather is starting to warm up and the days are getting longer this is the time of the year where we need to get out and get some fresh air and sunshine. Unfortunately though with all the busyness of life we tend to use our down time to go on our phones…

     The chiropractic adjustment is undoubtedly the most overlooked and undervalued health care procedure that exists today. It’s not uncommon for patients to get “miraculous” results. These results are not miracles, but simply allowing the body to work the way it was designed to work. It won’t happen with one visit and it won’t happen…

     We are officially in summer now. The weather is hot and the days are long. So many people are enjoying the outdoors and soaking up as much vitamin D as is humanly possible. The only problem that I see with any of this is that people are not hydrating more! Lots of people will…

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