How many times have you been in bed and stared up at the ceiling wishing you could fall asleep? Wasn’t it earlier in your day when you wanted to just close your eyes and fall asleep because you were so tired? Now you’re laying there and every thought is racing through your brain and you…

Sleep is definitely one of the things in life that doesn’t seem to make sense. Why do we need to shut down and rest? We could be so much more productive if we didn’t have to contend with needing 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Or would we? Sleep is a topic that has been…

The last few months have created a huge shift in the typical work environment. Vast majority of patients are coming in complaining about their new work station. The new work station isn’t in a different area of the office but rather now from their kitchen table. I’ve always said that the problem with most work…

Do you suffer with headaches? Do you know someone who does? Then this post is for you. At some point in our lives we will have endured a headache to some degree. According to data collected it is estimated that about 50% of people globally suffer with headache disorders each and every year. What this…

There is no doubt that the world is different. This pandemic has created loads of changes that we are struggling to adapt to. Some will be for the better but many are definitely for the worse. Daily I have people coming into the office with aches and pains that they never had before or an…

Life can be hectic! We have work and kids activities and chores and volunteer work and etc etc etc. The list is long for all that needs to get done in a day. We go go go from the time we wake up till the time we go to bed and sometimes we forget…

Did you know that as a chiropractor I am trained to adjust literally every joint in your body? Most people assume that chiropractors work is limited to the spine. While it’s true that the majority of the work that I do is spinal related (probably 90%) I still see a good number of issues that…

As the weather is starting to warm up and the days are getting longer this is the time of the year where we need to get out and get some fresh air and sunshine. Unfortunately though with all the busyness of life we tend to use our down time to go on our phones…

The chiropractic adjustment is undoubtedly the most overlooked and undervalued health care procedure that exists today. It’s not uncommon for patients to get “miraculous” results. These results are not miracles, but simply allowing the body to work the way it was designed to work. It won’t happen with one visit and it won’t happen…