Upper back pain is a common ailment that enters the office. It’s not unusual to see people have tight muscles and vertebrae that need to be adjusted in this region. Stress, desk jobs, driving jobs, repetitive motion jobs, heavy lifting jobs all put an inordinate amount of strain on the upper back. Over this last…

The body is quite amazing. It never ceases to amaze me in how intricate and yet connected it is. I’ve had people come in with shoulder pain that I was able to trace back to a foot issue. I have had people come in with shoulder pain that was connected to a neck issue. I…

This last year has created many problems within the world, but one issue that has been on the rise has been a huge rise in the incidence of neck and upper back issues. We have seen many people coming in as a result of their work from home set up. Within our community a vast…

Welcome to Episode 2 of “Reclaim Your Health!”. Last month we talked about moving your body and how that can change your health. This month we are going to talk about food! During the last year we have seen so many people gain weight. If you have found that your clothes are tighter you are…

Over the next few months we are going to talk about making some healthy habits to take back that which is rightfully yours; your health! Covid has robbed many of us of many things over this last year. For some it may have been loved ones, for others it may have been work but one…

Happy New Year from Kramp Chiropractic! This has been quite the ride over the last 12 months. I’m happy to say for everyone reading this that we have survived it. We are resilient and adaptable. Although we are not entirely sure of what’s to come this year we can safely say that 2020 prepared us…

This year is unlike any other. It’s easy to look at all the negative and to have stress overwhelm us. We’ve been met with challenges that we never thought we would have to endure. Personally, there have been numerous times over the last 9 months where I felt overwhelmed and unable to keep my normally…

There are so many times that we have patients come into our office and are looking for a quick fix. The unfortunate thing is that chiropractic works so well that there are many times that patients will come in and as soon as their pain is gone they stop coming in before we have a…

How many times have you been in bed and stared up at the ceiling wishing you could fall asleep? Wasn’t it earlier in your day when you wanted to just close your eyes and fall asleep because you were so tired? Now you’re laying there and every thought is racing through your brain and you…

Sleep is definitely one of the things in life that doesn’t seem to make sense. Why do we need to shut down and rest? We could be so much more productive if we didn’t have to contend with needing 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Or would we? Sleep is a topic that has been…