There has been a recent increase in interest over the last several years about the health benefits of Sauna’s and Cold Plunges. These rituals have been around for hundreds and maybe even thousands of years. In recent years we have seen several research studies come out to show that they are extremely good for human…

When you think of Christmas do you feel joy and excitement or do you feel anxiety and stress? This is a day that will bring up a mix of emotions with different people. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas this is a time of the year where we have patients that come in with an…

This is generally the time of the year that we see an influx of patients come into our office or cancel their appointments because they’ve caught a cold or flu. What many people don’t realize is that, for the most part, this is a very avoidable illness that does not need to incapacitate you and…

When you think of Christmas do you feel joy and excitement or do you feel anxiety and stress? This is a day that will bring up a mix of emotions with different people. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas this is a time of the year where we have patients that come in with an…

The body is a marvelous machine. Every interaction you make with your environment has an immediate reaction within your body. Everything that you touch, see, smell, taste, and hear will elicit a chemical reaction within your body that ultimately will impact your overall health. We often only think of germs as being the reason we…

It’s no secret that chiropractic does a great job at helping those with neck pain. In fact most people that enter our office present with neck pain. So, the greatest question should be why is neck pain such a pandemic? The easiest answer is that humans have created a life that is not conducive to…

The days are getting longer and the air is getting warmer. For many people that means the hibernation can now end and people will naturally start to filter into the outdoors and enjoy warmer weather. Unfortunately, a sedentary winter will often equate to stiff muscles, stiff joints and weight gain. This is extremely detrimental on…