The last few years has created a dynamic where many businesses have let employees continue a “work from home” environment. This new trend comes with pros and cons. While it is extremely convenient for those with a young family or those that are trying to avoid the commute it has created a work place ergonomic…

It’s no secret that chiropractic does a great job at helping those with neck pain. In fact most people that enter our office present with neck pain. So, the greatest question should be why is neck pain such a pandemic? The easiest answer is that humans have created a life that is not conducive to…

This last year has created many problems within the world, but one issue that has been on the rise has been a huge rise in the incidence of neck and upper back issues. We have seen many people coming in as a result of their work from home set up. Within our community a vast…

The last few months have created a huge shift in the typical work environment. Vast majority of patients are coming in complaining about their new work station. The new work station isn’t in a different area of the office but rather now from their kitchen table. I’ve always said that the problem with most work…