It’s that time of year again where we all can enjoy the incredible fall colours, watch the geese starting to leave on their long southward journeys and hopefully many nice walks and bike rides in the various parks in and around our city. Certainly the Pandemic has changed many of our behaviours and added immensely…

This is the time of the year that we are shifting focus from summer fun to routine and schedules as our kids head back to school. Often times this is a stressful time of the year for parents as they try to re-establish routine and ensure school supplies and new clothes are bought. Top that…

Oh what a year….. This has been the most trying time for many in recent history. Many people have been living in a state of fear. When fear takes over, our body will activate the sympathetic nervous system. This is the body’s stress response. In this state our sleep gets progressively poorer, we don’t digest…

Upper back pain is a common ailment that enters the office. It’s not unusual to see people have tight muscles and vertebrae that need to be adjusted in this region. Stress, desk jobs, driving jobs, repetitive motion jobs, heavy lifting jobs all put an inordinate amount of strain on the upper back. Over this last…

The body is quite amazing. It never ceases to amaze me in how intricate and yet connected it is. I’ve had people come in with shoulder pain that I was able to trace back to a foot issue. I have had people come in with shoulder pain that was connected to a neck issue. I…

The government has given us the ok to go back to seeing all of our regular patients. During this pandemic we were still able to be open but we were restricted to only seeing the worst cases and also those that were deemed essential workers and were in some significant discomfort. This last month and…

I’ve had this question posed to me by a few different people. This is a time in human history that is completely and totally foreign. Yes, we have had pandemics before, but we have never had such a firm understanding of how transmission happens and how to protect one another and how to minimize the…

Every day we have new patients coming into our office and presenting with a multitude of symptoms. Even though my favourite patients are the ones that come in for wellness care and are asymptomatic, I also love helping those that come in with a specific issue. I love seeing people that are at their wits…

This is a time for resolutions. Every year I hear so many people talk about doing better with diet and exercise and working to lose weight. While I commend anyone who wants to improve their health, it seems that the motivation behind these changes are more as a result of not being happy with…

Every year at this time I find myself scrambling to get back into a routine with the kids activities and school and finding a balance with work, diet, exercise and down time. This is the time of the year that will either make or break your healthy habits heading into winter. If you start…