It’s been two years that we’ve been going through this pandemic together. Two years ago what was supposed to be two weeks has now been extended into what felt like an eternity. We’ve socially distanced, locked down, masked up, increased hand sanitizer usage, etc… All of these actions, while deemed important, have created havoc within…

One thing that has become evident over the last 2 years is that people are not drinking enough water. With increased mask wearing we are finding that we are losing more water through sweat as our body temperatures increase slightly from breathing in the warm air. This also may be tricking the thirst reflex as…

This is the time of the year that most people get into the habit of “New Year’s resolutions”. They usually resolve to make some sort of health changes. Whether it’s to exercise more or to eat less what we find is that these resolutions usually only last less than a month. The gyms are busiest…

When you think of Christmas do you feel joy and excitement or do you feel anxiety and stress? This is a day that will bring up a mix of emotions for different people. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas this is a time of the year where we have patients that come in with an…

It’s that time of year again where we all can enjoy the incredible fall colours, watch the geese starting to leave on their long southward journeys and hopefully many nice walks and bike rides in the various parks in and around our city. Certainly the Pandemic has changed many of our behaviours and added immensely…

This is the time of the year that we are shifting focus from summer fun to routine and schedules as our kids head back to school. Often times this is a stressful time of the year for parents as they try to re-establish routine and ensure school supplies and new clothes are bought. Top that…

Oh what a year….. This has been the most trying time for many in recent history. Many people have been living in a state of fear. When fear takes over, our body will activate the sympathetic nervous system. This is the body’s stress response. In this state our sleep gets progressively poorer, we don’t digest…

Upper back pain is a common ailment that enters the office. It’s not unusual to see people have tight muscles and vertebrae that need to be adjusted in this region. Stress, desk jobs, driving jobs, repetitive motion jobs, heavy lifting jobs all put an inordinate amount of strain on the upper back. Over this last…

The body is quite amazing. It never ceases to amaze me in how intricate and yet connected it is. I’ve had people come in with shoulder pain that I was able to trace back to a foot issue. I have had people come in with shoulder pain that was connected to a neck issue. I…

This last year has created many problems within the world, but one issue that has been on the rise has been a huge rise in the incidence of neck and upper back issues. We have seen many people coming in as a result of their work from home set up. Within our community a vast…