The body is a marvelous machine. Every interaction you make with your environment has an immediate reaction within your body. Everything that you touch, see, smell, taste, and hear will elicit a chemical reaction within your body that ultimately will impact your overall health. We often only think of germs as being the reason we…

The last few years has created a dynamic where many businesses have let employees continue a “work from home” environment. This new trend comes with pros and cons. While it is extremely convenient for those with a young family or those that are trying to avoid the commute it has created a work place ergonomic…

The chiropractic adjustment is undoubtedly the most overlooked and undervalued health care procedure that exists today. It’s not uncommon for patients to get “miraculous” results. These results are not miracles but simply allowing the body to work the way it was designed to work. It won’t happen with one visit and it won’t happen overnight….

Sleep is definitely one of the things in life that doesn’t seem to make sense. Why do we need to shut down and rest? We could be so much more productive if we didn’t have to contend with needing 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Or would we? Sleep is a topic that has been…

Spring is upon us, we have made it through the winter months and the weather is starting to warm up and melt winter snow away. This is the best time to get back out on the roads with our walks and runs. Shake off the hibernation cobwebs and get moving again. Research has shown that…

It’s that time of year again when the summer days become shorter and cooler and kids across the country start to head back into school. Routines are set and life seems to get back into its regular pattern. September invariably becomes a busy month for chiropractors as we start seeing a bunch of kids coming…

The time of the year has come and gone for people to make their New Year resolutions. The gyms have all been busier with everyone making it their goal to get fit but, as they usually do, the gyms are starting to die off again as people lose their motivation and will power to work…