When you think of Christmas do you feel joy and excitement or do you feel anxiety and stress? This is a day that will bring up a mix of emotions with different people. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas this is a time of the year where we have patients that come in with an assortment of stress induced problems. It’s not a mystery as to how stress can cause the spine and nervous system to be negatively affected. This is something that chiropractors have identified well over 100 years ago. We see it commonly in our offices and there is no doubt that the adjustment gives immense relief to these issues. What can we do to alleviate these stress induced problems?
Here is Kramp Chiropractic’s top 10 list of how to manage holiday stress and bring more joy into your life.
1. Remember that this is a day to enjoy family. Focus on relationships and quality time together. Play some board games or watch some of your favourite holiday movies.
2. Enjoy the beginning of winter. Winnipeg is notorious for horrendous Jan and Feb months. Don’t let the change in weather deter you from enjoying the snow. Go snowshoeing, cross country skiing, sledding or a simple walk. All of these activities are great for working out that pent up stress within your body.
3. Minimize the junk food. Notice it doesn’t say “eliminate the junk food”? You can still enjoy those holiday treats and drinks but remember that your body is made of what you eat. Do you want to be made of sugar and high fat or would you rather be made of a full complement of amino acids and proteins to keep your body functioning at its best?
4. Sleep at least 6-8 hours per night. When you get your full complement of sleep you’re going to allow your brain and body to properly heal and repair from chronic stress/strain.
5. Drink lots of water. If you think you’re drinking lots of water….. drink some more. Honestly, most people are deficient. If you think you’re drinking too much talk to one of your chiropractors and we will let you know if you’re drinking too much. Otherwise, keep chugging that water. It makes a world of difference for the elimination of toxins and keeping the tissues of the body healthy.
6. Spend time in self reflection. Whether it’s in deep meditation or thinking during a walk or journaling. Spend some quality time with yourself. Put the device down. Turn the TV off. Look inwards and appreciate who you are and where you are in life. Find joy in the relationships and things you have in life. Remind yourself of how truly blessed you are.
7. Hug your loved ones. Did you know that the simple act of hugging releases endorphins and allows you to feel happier? Let your spouse, kids, friends know you love them by giving them some hugs this holiday season.
8. Read a book that has been on your “to read list”. The simple act of reading allows the mind to focus on something totally different and has an amazing ability to relieve stress.
9. Take a drive and look at all the Christmas decorations. There is an amazing beauty and art to the effort some people put into their decorations. Spend some time enjoying the sights this holiday season.
10. Can’t forget the most important tip of them all…… come and pay a visit to us at Kramp Chiropractic and you will undoubtedly leave with a happier disposition. The Taylor’s know how to make you smile and Dr. Kramp and Dr. Mike will give you a fantastic adjustment.