The hustle, the bustle, the joy……… Isn’t Christmas supposed to be a time of family, happiness and celebration? Usually, however, what ends up happening is that Christmas becomes one of the most stressful holidays mentally and physically. We often will neglect ourselves and our bodies will suffer. The stress isn’t always physical; in fact most times the stress is mental. We over spend, our kids have concerts, we have our work Christmas parties, we have our family get togethers. That mental stress often times is subdued by the processed unhealthy junk foods that many of us refer to as “comfort foods”. These comfort foods are the potato chips, ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc. This usually only adds to the stress as it’s not a healthy way to cope. It’s not uncommon for people to gain 10lbs of weight over the month of December alone.
This Christmas take a balanced approach. The hustle and bustle isn’t likely going to go away; however, you can mitigate the stress differently. Walking is one of the best ways to eliminate stress. It helps the mind process all of the day’s events and also allows for you to burn off some excess calories. To add to this strategy try eating more vegetables daily. The veggies are loaded with vitamins and minerals that are crucial for your body to function. It will also help to decrease cravings for the comfort foods. The last strategy that you should look at is getting adjusted. Did you know that research shows that the chiropractic adjustment actually decreases cortisol levels???? Cortisol is the hormone that the body makes when it is under stress. Chiropractic literally helps your body manage stress! So, December should be the month that you get extra visits in to see your chiropractor.
Choose chiropractic for all your health and wellness needs!