10 years ago I started Kramp Chiropractic with a vision. That vision was to be a change in the world. I wanted to see a happier and healthier community through the chiropractic care that I had spent years learning how to deliver. I wanted to see kids and seniors and athletes and everyone in between. I wanted everyone that I touched to heal and get better. I wanted to alleviate symptoms but to also go beyond that and to unleash an unlimited healing potential through the nervous system of every patient. I was audacious, I was bold, and I was naive. I made lots of mistakes in business and missed lots of opportunities in delivering the best care possible. But perhaps this is why they call it a practice. From these missed opportunities and mistakes I can say without a doubt that I am a much better chiropractor than when I first started 10 years ago. I’m much better at business and I’m much better at communicating.
Today Kramp Chiropractic is blessed to have 2 chiropractors and 2 massage therapists. We are by far the busiest office in the Charleswood area and we are looking to grow and expand to help more people than ever before. We want to be the busiest not because it means we make more money but rather it means that we are serving more people. The nice thing with the entire staff at this office is that each and every one of us have our first goal to help heal our patients. We want everyone to achieve their optimal health! The beauty of the chiropractic adjustment is that it is really good at alleviating pain, but it is even better at allowing the body to heal itself. It is amazing how great the body can work when the brain and body have great communication with each other and free of interference of a bone pushing on a nerve. The adjustment is like a dimmer switch that removes the interference and turns that power to max! I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of people get amazing results with not only neck and low back pain but also with their;
Menstrual pain
Breathing issues
Frequent colds/infections
Colic in kids
Kid’s health issues