This is generally the time of the year that we see an influx of patients come into our office or cancel their appointments because they’ve caught a cold or flu. What many people don’t realize is that, for the most part, this is a very avoidable illness that does not need to incapacitate you and leaving you wishing for a “quick fix”.
Build your body’s immune response to these foreign invaders by following these simple strategies:
1. Reduce sugar intake
1a) Sugar plays an important role in energy in the body, however, when taking in excess it causes insulin spikes which result in a suppression of the immune system.
1b) Sugar can be found in sweets like chocolate or soft drinks. Sugar can also be found in bread and pasta and condiments and cereals and etc….. Sugar is literally in everything these days. The best thing you can do is to know exactly what you’re putting into your body and try to minimize sugar consumption
1c) Eat more vegetables. Eating veggies will help decrease your appetite which will then lead to eating less refined carbohydrates (sugars)
2. Vitamin D
2a) Vitamin D has been shown to be critical in the immune response.
2b) During the summer months our vitamin d stores are filled up and stored in the liver, however, by the winter months we see these stores diminish and as a result the immune system struggles.
2c) Supplementing between 2000-5000 IU’s per day during the winter months will help keep the vitamin d store high
3. Exercise
3a) Movement is life! Exercise will increase blood flow and increase sweating which helps to excrete toxins from the body that can inhibit the immune response.
3b) As little as 20mins a day of walking has been shown through research to be extremely beneficial to overall health
4. Water intake
4a) Drinking water helps to eliminate toxins from the body
4b) Drinking water helps to curb food cravings which then diminish the amount of sugars consumed
4c) When hydration levels are adequate the immune system is able to function at a higher level due to the lymphatic system being more fluid
These are just some simple strategies to help you in your health care journey. If you want more strategies come and talk to us and we will guide you even further to help create the healthiest possible you!